EFTERLEVANDEGUIDEN - a collaboration between public authorities intended to make it easier for those who have lost a loved one



You will need to compile a list of the deceased’s assets and debts and register an estate inventory with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). Once this is done you can distribute the estate to the heirs and make changes of ownership.


  1. The Survivor’s Guide Checklist is a list of the practical matters you need to attend to in the months following the death.

Take one thing at a time, starting with the most important.

Efterlevandeguiden Checklist (in English)

Efterlevandeguiden Checklist in PDF (in English) Pdf, 257.6 kB.

An adjustable Checklist according to date of death (in Swedish)

Prepare an estate inventory

To prepare the estate inventory, the parties to the estate prepare a list of the estate’s assets and debts.

The estate inventory is then registered with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). Only when this is done can you close the deceased’s bank accounts, obtain title deeds to property and distribute the estate.

Closing bank accounts and distributing the estate

As a party to the estate, you may contact the deceased’s bank to close accounts. When you contact the bank you will need to present the estate inventory and distribution of estate document to show that you have the legal right to represent the estate.

Once it is clear who is going to inherit, you can change the ownership of real estate, vehicles, cooperative apartments, companies and firearms. Changes of ownership must be registered.

Distribution of the estate and registering new owners

Who are the deceased’s heirs?

If the deceased has left assets, the parties to the estate must agree on who is to inherit what. There may be a will stating that specific things should go to a specific person or organisation.

Put simply, inheritance depends on whether or not the deceased was married and whether they had children. A will and any prenuptial agreement may also affect how the estate is distributed.

While there is no inheritance tax in Sweden, if, for example, you inherit a property abroad and that country does have inheritance tax, that country’s tax regulations apply to any property overseas.


If there are more than a single heir, prepare a distribution of estate document

Once the estate inventory is completed, you will need to document who is to inherit what. This is done in a distribution of estate document, which forms the basis for the transfer of ownership of property such as an apartment, car, etc. The distribution of estate document is also one of the documents for settling the estate.

Ask others to help you

Do not hesitate to ask for help with what feels difficult and to receive help if you are offered.

Last updated: 2024-09-03